Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union 2010

From President Obama's speech, I think the U.S. is heading towards the right direction. People and Americans are the biggest words and I think it's because President Obama put a lot of emphasis on the such topics. With the new year, I trust that President Obama will make changes and decisions to make the future better. He addressed that he will strive to make jobs more available which will also benefit the economy.

With President Bush's last State of the Union, the words Congress, Iraq, and American stand out. From the words, it seems like President Bush cared more about the security of America while President Obama put his attention towards the economy. Even after the plane incident on Christmas day, I didn't even see the word security or terrorist form President Obama's speech. Our country seems to be more focused to get its economy on track in President Obama's hands. I can't find the word economy in President Bush's speech. It should have been an important factor because the decline in our economy started during President Bush's days as a president. Our future in President Obama's hands seem better for Americans to live, but I think it's less safer.