Wednesday, May 5, 2010

African traditions

1. Child takes the characteristics of his/her name. I think this is very bizarre because in the U.S. the name doesn't make the person. The father in the show was worrying about what to name his child because the child took the characteristics of his/her name. It's good to have names that have positive vibes but we don't let the name dictate our lives unless if it's our last name for some people.

2. When the boys are 15, they are taken away to become brave men. This was like their way of going to the army. It was mandatory for boys to go and people in the village took this very seriously. The kids went without even knowing what was going to happen.

3. The goal of war is to win, not to kill. Warrior respects another warrior. This was a different strategy than many other countries would prefer. If a country was in war, they would want to defeat the other country by killing their soldiers instead of just letting them go. Our mindset is to weaken their army by killing and not giving them a second chance to attack.

4. Boys that turn into men can't stay with the family and must live in his own hut. These kids were still about only 16, but they were still forced to leave their parents and live by himself. From this one camp the boys are forced go to, their lives change so much afterwards. It was peculiar to see how the boys changed so much after the camp. The main character in this story acted like a totally different person.

5. Father builds a hut for his son while his son is at camp. I guess men couldn't live in the same house back in the day in Africa. So as the sons prepare to become men, the father has to like jump start his son's life by building a hut for him. Even though not all parents do this, but this would be like getting a car after the teenager finally passes his license test. It would be nice if all the parents were like the ones in Africa.

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