Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Clash of Religions

I think what the journalist said has a point and that we may be the cause the terrorism that goes around the Earth. I think the Western part which includes like European countries and America are cause of many problems in the world. It all started when the European countries imperialized the Middle East that started all this hate from the Muslims and people from the Middle East. Imperialists came in trying to change up everything and Middle Easterners felt that their cultures were going to be broken. I think that's when their hate started. As we started getting more carried away with money issues and walked away from our religion, this angered the Muslims even more. This is what really angers the Muslims from what the article is saying and I see his points. It said in the article that "As monotheists, Jews and Christians have historically been entitled to Muslim respect and even protection"(D'Souza 2). Muslims had respect for Christians so that can't be the reason all of a sudden. U.S. has been more about money and its economy instead of our own religious beliefs. The article says that this is the real reason that we have been under attack for not being religious enough and by being secular. I believe that the U.S. has been more focusing on other areas than our religions.
I do not agree with Bin Laden's and the Muslim extremists' actions towards our apparent problem from their perspective. Even though we have been less religious, that doesn't mean that we should get attacked upon. We are not killing others by not being religious, but they are killing others to become more religious. It's very ironic, but it's something that we will never be able to change because it is firmly stated in their roots of Islam.

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