Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I personally don't like seeing Muslim women in their veils because it hides their identity and it also just automatically raises stereo-typical views of them. But from these two articles, I could see why Muslim women wear the veil. It seems like wearing a veil is not a law since it's not specifically stated in the Koran, but it's like a custom now since women wear the veil. The women who converted to Islam had good points in her paper about how women still have their freedom, but I felt like she was too biased for her view. She made it sound like all women want to wear the veil and that it was like an honor to wear it. She should have put facts like who actually enjoys wearing the veil and who doesn't to show the other side of this issue. Since it is not like a set rule, I think there should be a law stating that if women want to wear it, they should, but if women don't want to wear it, they shouldn't be forced to.

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