Monday, April 26, 2010


1. Culture of Jihad- They kill people not to just see dead bodies but to bring the West down. Dying in order to kill the West is an honorable mention in their religion. Jihad is a religious holy war. This is for the sake of Allah. Islam people believe that the U.S. is trying to eradicate their religion and that the U.S. is becoming a threat. Jihad literally means self struggle. The Muslims want to eliminate not only the U.S. but Israel,

2. Culture of hatred- Muslims view Americans and Israelis as satan. They hate America and the Western culture so much that they are willing to die to bring down the West. America is categorized as a threat and this is used to stir up the people of Islam. When 9/11 happened, Palestinians were more than happy to see what happened to America.

3. Jihad in the West- Islam extremists have been spreading their ideas to the west as well. There are terrorist meetings at mosques in London. The terrorist leaders brainwash people and tell them that it's okay to murder. The bombing in London in 2005 were people from London. 9/11 terrorists practiced their act in U.S.; they were able to disguise themselves as Americans and take airplane classes in America.

4. Culture of denial- Americans still believe that terrorism is not a threat. Americans don't want to recognize this as a threat. America cannot ignore the fact that people in the Middle East want to kill Americans on a daily basis. Many believe that this will become like WW2 and that many lives will be lost.

5. Hitler and the Mufti- Mufti and Hitler had a relationship and a connection in achieving the goal of exterminating the Jews. Mufti raised an army of Muslims to fight with the SS of Hitler.

6. What do radical Muslims want- Destroy Western civilization and defeat Christians and Jews. The Muslims believe that Islam is the only way to go; no other religions will prevail and other believers will die. Islam leaders want to Islamize the whole world. The Muslims believe that Allah commanded them to control the world.

7. We've been here before- Even though it seems like many Muslims seem like terrorists, there are still Muslims that seek for a world without terrorism. They do not follow what the extremists are doing and do not believe in the actions they take. More support is needed for this group so the world can overcome these extremists that want to take over the world. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of Evil is for Good men to do nothing" is true and fits this situation. Evil can be torn down, but good men have to work upon it for it to be won. Looking at those statues of Communist leaders torn down, the Tiananmen Square protest, and the fall of the Berlin wall provides a small hope in terrorism eradicating one day.

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