Friday, April 30, 2010

Rescuing girls from sex slavery

Koirala and Maiti Nepal have been saving 12,000 Nepali women and girls ever since 1993. U.S. State Department reported that between 10,000 to 15,000 women and girls from Nepal have been sexually exploriated through prostitution. Geeta, as a 9 year old, she remembers staying up late and having sex with many men per day. She was sent into a brothel and forced to go out on the streets and have sex with men that wanted them. Koirala, who have been on this movement to save girls in this terrible situation, decided to help these girls after her abusive relationships in the past. Now her group goes around raiding brothels to save girls and women that have sex for a living. Her goal is to rescue these girls and help them live a happy life. She helps them cope with problems and has an open home for them. The group wants these girls to be able to go out into the world and reintegrated into society.

Reading this article showed that anyone could become a hero in the world. This woman worked dilligently and rescued so many young lives. She was determined to change something and now with her group she is saving 4 girls per day. At a global standpoint, India should start enforcing harsh rules against these people that are forcing women into prostitution. 10,000 to 15000 is a very large number of girls that are sexually exploriated. The U.N. should take action into this issue and encourage India to be more active in order to rescue more girls and prevent this from continuing.

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