Friday, April 30, 2010

U.N. eyes international tribunals for pirates

The U.N. has put more emphasis on the pirate attacks that have been going on near the coast of Somalia. The 15 member body unanimously voted for countries to persecute and jail people that may be suspected of being a pirate. All the countries wanted piracy to be eliminated and more suspects to pay for what they have done. The U.N. also looked forward to see other organizations such as the European Union and NATO increase their role in the fight against piracy. Countries neighboring Somalia was also asked to increase their efforts against piracy.

This is a good decision by the U.N. to fight against piracy. Piracy has made traveling and trades harder for countries all over the world. Ships carrying goods in the area often got robbed and lost all their goods. People were captured and held hostages by the pirates in the area. Last year, I remember that a U.S. sailor was kept captive by the pirates. The U.S. marines were able to free him and kill some of the pirates. The pirates are thieves on waters and same rules need to apply just as if they were any other convicts.

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