Thursday, April 29, 2010

South Korea holds funeral for 46 sailors

Last month a South Korean ship sunk which led to numerous number of sailors missing. After weeks of searching, South Korean officials announced that 40 were dead and 6 were still missing. The whole country was in a somber mood as they buried 40 young sailors. Head of naval operations Kim Sung-Chan said "We will never forgive whoever inflicted this great pain on us." South Korean officials are still trying to find out what truly happened. They believe it was from an external explosion. Even though North Korea media has denied accusations of an attack and no evidence of any unusual movement was detected, there are still speculations of North Korea causing this dilemma. A U.S. military official also believes that a North Korean torpedo was the most likely cause of the explosion. There were no mines in the area and it would have been highly unlikely a mine to hit a moving vessel. The South Koreans are still searching for pieces underwater, but so far no pieces of torpedo or mine has been found.
This was a terrible incident that happened that led to the death of many young sailors. Even though I didn't know any one of them, it still hurts to see the country I used to live in, in pain. This is a global issue because if pieces of torpedo are found, all fingers are going to be pointed at North Korea for this attack. There were some strong words from the head of the naval operations and if this was an attack from North Korea, some kind of a riot seems inevitable. If these two countries go into war then many other countries will have to get involved in it. It's going to be frightening to see what the cause of this truly was.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that this was a terrible incident. This probably pisses off South Koreans because they probably believe that North Korea made this attack. I wrote a current event about this last week and I was surprised that more of this is not on the news. However there was a new article that an American soldier being held captive in North Korea got to talk to his family, but that still doesn't cover up for North Korea's actions
